Strategy & Innovation
While cosmetic renovations like a new coat of paint or new flooring can freshen up a space, structural renovations are a more substantial transformation. These typically involve altering the property’s layout by moving walls or changing floor plans and roof lines. At Telles Contractors, we offer the necessary structural modification services for your upcoming renovation project. Whether you’re a general contractor, a project manager, or undertaking the renovations yourself, we’re here to ensure the job is done efficiently, effectively, and with the utmost professionalism.
At Telles Contractors, we’re committed to assisting you by safely modifying your existing structure and taking the time to cater to your project’s specific needs. Whether your construction project involves selective or complete structural demolition, we bring a wealth of experience and a comprehensive understanding of the necessary procedures and methodologies. We recognize that every structural demolition project is unique, presenting its challenges and solutions. Trust us to navigate these complexities and deliver a successful outcome.
Expanding your home with a new room or level could be the perfect solution to your space needs. If you’re ready to take the next step towards creating your dream home with an addition, Telles Contractors is here to make it a reality. Don’t hesitate to contact us! You can find testimonials from our satisfied clients on our home page, and view our past projects in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area to see the quality of our work. We look forward to helping you transform your home.